Marketing Research

0222 Marketing Research

Marketing research is an integral part of market studies, which allows timely and, most importantly, correctly respond to changes and activity from competitors. Neglect of this type of analysis is fraught with the most unfavorable outcome for the firm.


Marketing research 0222 is aimed at studying such areas:

  • market potential analysis
  • detailed feasibility study
  • analysis of current trends
  • research and continuous monitoring of competitors
  • the study of consumer reactions to new positions
  • monitoring of price policy
  • target audience determination
  • compiling a forecast for the development of the market and business, etc.

As a result, you receive not only a reports, experts of the marketing agency 0222 help take the knowledge gained into circulation and apply them specifically for your situation. Thus, you will be able to outline a business goal, plan a marketing budget and mark the end result.